Thank you for an amazing 2019 event!
Enjoy the photos and information shared at the event and join us next time we Rock the World!
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Speaker Disclaimer: La Leche League and Attachment Parenting International are not necessarily in agreement with, or responsible for, the statements made by the speakers at this conference.
Thank you to our speakers for sharing their time and work! Full session descriptions and contact information are provided below.
Rock the World Presentations
(Please read the statement above before accessing presentations below)

2019 Rock the World Conference
La Leche League co-Founder, Marian Tompson
Parenting experts, Dr. William & Martha Sears
Attachment Parenting International co-Founders,
Barbara Nicholson & Lysa Parker
"Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" Author, Rebecca Wells
Nashville Singer/Songwriter, Gary Nicholson and Friends
Event Topics
Friends of La Leche League (formerly the LLL Alumnae Association) hosted a dessert, with a focus on sisterhood, featuring Rebecca Wells, author of the #1 NYT Bestselling novel Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood which was made into a movie starring Ashley Judd. Her other bestselling Ya-Ya books include Little Altars Everywhere and Ya-Yas in Bloom, along with The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder. Rebecca brings her skills as author, actress and teacher to create an evening of authentic and warm sharing that highlights the power of sisterhood in all its incarnations. A lively, fun, and poignant event to help celebrate the nurturing and enrichment that LLL and API bring to our lives and the lives of those we touch.
Surprises Along the Way: The Story of La Leche League’s Beginnings. How the intent to provide moms with breastfeeding information and support was more complicated than expected, right from the start, and how Attachment Parenting International was a natural outgrowth from LLL. Marian Tompson, LLLI co-Founder, Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson, API co-Founders.
101: Breastfeeding: It’s More than a Meal. Breast milk is unique to each mother-infant dyad. Come and explore more about the microbiome created immediately after birth by skin to skin contact, the intramammary and respiratory pathways that tailor milk contents, and how breastfeeding affects infant and maternal brain development. Kathy Parkes, IBCLC
102: Correlating the Union of Social Determinants of Health, Health Communication and Media Representation among African descent Women, and solutions that promote their ability to breastfeed in Today's Society. More often than not, our health care system applies an individualistic approach to women, no matter their race, class, income, or gender. The system often does not take into account how biological, behavioral, economic, or social conditions impact a woman's choice and lifestyle. We'll explore why these factors are critical to birth and breastfeeding and discuss frameworks of how providers or birth workers can better understand how to reach, support, and acknowledge patients of African descent. Shukura Ayoluwa Umi, University of Memphis, Memphis BSTARS (1 R-CERP and LLL CEU – BE)
103: Parenting from Within. A discussion of how our own attachment style affects our parenting and how we can earn a secure attachment while fostering it in our own children. Information from perinatal maternal mental health to parenting in the technology age will be included. Stacy Jagger, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Registered Play Therapist (LLL CEU - CS)
104: Children’s Activity: Arts and Crafts
201: Tongue-tie, Lip-tie, and other Tight Oral Tissues. Oral issues can impact breastfeeding, drinking and eating solids, speech, sleep, and more. We'll look at the assessment, pre-release exercises, post-release active wound care, the inclusion of allied health providers, and assessment tools need to adequately determine the situation as well as discuss the various roles of providers in dealing with oral issues. Katherine Wilson-Thompson, IBCLC, RLC, LLLL, MOM, and Dr. Susan Campbell, Neonatologist (1 L-CERP and LLL CEU – BE)
202: The Science of Mother-Infant Sleep: Reading Babies’ Cues. Does staying with your baby as they fall asleep help or hinder their sleep pattern? We'll discuss research from an international working group of experts on mother-baby sleep and share the importance of understanding infants' cues and infant feeding as part of early infant care. Wendy Middlemiss, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, University of North Texas (1 R-CERP and LLL CEU – CS)
203: Chemistry of Attachment. Our bodies are chemical and hormonal laboratories. These chemicals are triggered by our senses and our emotions: the act of breastfeeding and holding our children causes the release of Oxytocin (the “love” hormone); Fathers and other caregivers share in these benefits through nurturing touch and playing with their children. New research in how the heart and brain communicate play a vital role in attachment and bonding. Explore how you, as a breastfeeding support provider, can help educate and support families regarding the critical importance of creating secure attachments. Parents will also gain insights into their own biology, and their body's wisdom. Lysa Parker, Barbara Nicholson, co-Founders, API (1 L-CERP and LLL CEU – BE)
204: Children’s Activity: In Harmony Music of Middle Tennessee. Enjoy interactive parent-child music time with Carrie Friddell of In Harmony Music of Middle Tennessee that strengthens relationships and offers experience with music and movement.
301: A New Paradigm for Depression in New Mothers. Inflammation, part of the stress response, is the underlying physiology of depression. The perinatal period makes women especially vulnerable because inflammation naturally increases during the last trimester of pregnancy--the time when women are most at risk for depression, and continues through the postpartum period. Common experience of new motherhood: sleep deprivation, pain, and psychological trauma cause inflammation levels to rise. We'll discuss how the inflammatory response is a critical part of the stress response; why breastfeeding and anti-inflammatory treatments, such as Omega-3s, cognitive therapy, and antidepressants, can protect maternal mental health by lowering inflammation. Kathy Kendall-Tackett, IBCLC, Associate Professor, Pediatrics, Texas Tech (1 R-CERP and LLL CEU – BE)
302: Empathic listening. Using empathy (emotional identification, compassion, feeling, and insight) in our lives improves mutual understanding and trust. We'll discuss overcoming common barriers and listening with authentic presence. Hear about tools you can use in the scope of your work as a breastfeeding and parenting support provider for listening from the heart, offering information for change, and problem solving which can be used in one-to-one or group discussions. Anna Childress, Ruth Trembula (1 R-CERP and LLL CEU – CS)
303: The Evolved Nest. The Evolved Nest (or Evolved Development Niche, EDN), developed by Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D., refers to humanity's nest for young children, an adaptation that helped our ancestors thrive and survive. It includes soothing perinatal experience, breastfeeding for two to five years, nearly constant touch, responsiveness to needs, responsiveness of caregivers, positive climate, social support for mom and baby, free play, and nature connection. Neurobiological systems are completing their development in the early years, forming the foundations for the rest of life, affecting health, and getting along with others - socially and morally. This nest buffers against stress and optimizes normal development. We will discuss recent research studies and how breastfeeding, proper information, and support play a pivotal role in the Evolved Nest. Mary Tarsha, Ph.D. studies, Department of Psychology, Notre Dame.
304: Children’s Activity: Magic Show. “Delightful, enchanted, spellbound, the spirit of playfulness and fun" are just few of the words used to describe audiences' experiences at a Russell Davis Magic Show! Russell Davis has been practicing magic for decades for young and old, for parties and corporate events. You've likely not seen a magic show quite like this one. Prepare to be amazed and fully entertained! Magician: Russell Davis Magic, Presented by Jim Parker's Songwriter's Series
401: Complexities of Breastfeeding through Separation Scenarios. Separation can create challenges. Come hear about how continued breastfeeding can be a way to build and maintain connection between the nursing parent and baby, and how we, as support and care providers, can help parents define and reach their goals. Moderated Panel: Kate Cropp, IBCLC, Susan Campbell, Neonatologist, Mother’s Milk Bank of TN, Kimberly Hampton, IBCLC, Rebecca Renegar, Department of Child and Family Studies, University of Tennessee. Moderated by Kathy Parkes, IBCLC. (1 L-CERP and LLL CEU – BE)
402: ACEs: The Science of Resilience: Overcoming Adversity. Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) refers to a range of events that a child can experience, which can lead to toxic stress, impact brain development, and cause chronic activation of the stress response. We'll discuss types of stress and the resilience scale, how we build resilience, and how attachment parenting builds resilience in the family. As supporters and care providers, understanding trauma can help us to help others build strategies to help break the cycle of intergenerational transmission. Explore trauma informed principles to use while supporting new families. Moderated Panel: Dr. Julia Bernard, Interim Chair, Department of Counseling and Human Services, ETSU, Stacy Jagger, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Registered Play Therapist, Art Yuen, API Board of Directors, Victoria LeBlanc, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Moderated by Margaret Feierabend, Community Leader. (1 R-CERP and LLL CEU – CS)
403: Options for a Healthy Birth: It’s More than Home vs. Hospital. What makes a birth healthy? What makes a birth location healthy? How can birth location help or hinder the start of the breastfeeding/attachment relationship? We'll discuss the costs and benefits of location choice, expectations, communication, and support. Moderated Panel: Rebekah Porter, Birth Doula, Margaret Buxton, Certified Nurse Midwife, Richard Thigpen, OB/GYN, Martha Sears, RN, Author. Moderated by Donna Martin, LLL Leader.
404: Nonviolent Communication, Empathy and Gentle Discipline Why does effective discipline seem difficult? What would happen if we treated child behavior as a thermometer of child health vs. thinking of it as willful insubordination? Explore options on this moderated panel. Moderated Panel: Carlene Lizana-Maginnis, Certified NVC Trainer, Rod Kochtitzky, Licensed Clinical and Pastoral Therapist, George Holden, Professor and Chair, SMU Psychology, SMU. Moderated by Barbara Clinton, Public Health Consultant. (LLL CEU – CS)
Family Perspectives from the Real World: A candid interview with Martha and Bill Sears about their individual experiences in an attachment parenting family through generations. Martha, and Bill Sears. Moderated by Janet Jendron, API Board President.
Gary Nicholson and Friends Celebrating 40 Years of Nashville Hit Songwriting!
A unique evening together with award-winning singer/songwriter Gary Nicholson created just for this conference event! Tickets available directly at 3rd and Lindsley. Celebrating Gary Nicholson's 70th birthday with 40 years of hit songs and hits Gary's written for Vince Gill, Don Williams, Ringo Star, Patty Loveless, Bonnie Raitt and so many more, in honor of Attachment Parenting International. Hear the stories behind the songs and the songwriters who wrote them. Gary and his songs were featured in the premier episode of the TV show Nashville, and with some of the cast invited to perform, among many other surprises! Proceeds benefit Attachment Parenting International, celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.
Contact about future conferences:
Juanita Benz
La Leche League of Kentucky-Tennessee
Chairs: Anna Childress and Janet Jendron
Barbara Nicholson, Victoria LeBlanc, Donna Martin, Lysa Parker, Juanita Benz, Elizabeth Johnson, Jennifer Yarborough, Jessica Cole, Art Yuen, Katherine Wilson Thompson, Kathy Parkes, Melinda Ring, Nancy LeQuire, Rebecca Renegar, Sandy Davis, Laura Osterman, Samantha Gray